Sometimes I wonder...
Why do I have the best family on the face of the planet?
Why are my friends always there for me?
Why do I live in America where I have freedom?
Why can I eat three meals a day?
Why do I go to an amazing school with teachers who care about me?
Why do I have the opportunity to go to Italy in a few months?
Why do I get to see my best friend in 13 days?
Why did God bless me with SO freaking much?
Why does He continue to bless me even when I screw up beyond comprehension?
Why is He always there to pick me up when I fall?
Why have I been given life and breath?
I mean, c'mon, I don't deserve it.
I am so caught up in myself. All I think about is my own life. I am selfish.
I build myself up and convince myself that I am good enough. I am prideful.
I spend my time complaining about little things, like the fact that it hasn't snowed in awhile or that Physics homework that I should be doing right now...
So let's be real...
Why am I here?
Answer: God is good. God is gracious. God is loving.
Period. End of discussion. Case closed.
I am so overwhelmed by His work in my life, in my family, in my school, in my church, and even in my city. His blessings are immeasurable and He is working in this world. He cannot be stopped.
So what exactly was the point of this blog post?
Simply this:
God is good.
The end.
"And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace." John 1:16