Friday, September 10, 2010


Notice that the title of this post is not "THE ministry", rather it is simply "Ministry". There is a reason for that.

I had the privalage to sit under the preaching of my pastor, Josh McPherson, for 7sessions this past weekend. The topic of his talks, were mission. Now some of this post could very well be plagiarism, but alas, here's what I got out of it:

There is an unbelievable call and a need for missionaries in our world today! There are countless countries that are starving and we have the ability to help. There are countless countries that have probably never heard the name of Jesus. We are responsible to further the kingdom of God! We need to spread the good news of His gospel.

I believe with my whole heart that those who are called to go around the world and share the name of Jesus are a valuable component of the furtherance of the gospel. HOWEVER, I also believe that those who are called to stay in their small hometown of Wenatchee, WA. can be just as much of a missionary.

Here's the point: we are ALL on mission. It doesn't matter where you are in life, if you love Jesus then you ARE a missionary. There is no way to get around it. You may not be doing a very good job...but it is your responsibility to tell the world about the gospel! We are ALL on mission.

However, NONE of this is possible without the neverending faithfulness of Jesus Christ. WE need His help to evangelize. We need the Holy Spirit to speak through us. It is IMPOSSIBLE without the help of our Lord and Savior! He gets the glory!

As I listened to Josh speak, one thing really stuck out to me. He talked about "the ministry". People throw around this phrase too flipantly. "I am called to the ministry!" Well let's think about that for a light of all that I have said, aren't we all called to "the ministry"? We are all already out on the mission feild; we always will be! As the church, we are apart of ministry everyday!

So no matter where you are, spread the gospel. Though Jesus Christ's help, it is possible.

It is our responsibility. It is our call.

"There are two kinds of christians. The missionaries and the imposters." -Charles Spurgeon

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