Monday, October 1, 2012

Austrian Adventures: Lesson One

My dad always told me that God always answers prayers in one of three ways: Yes, no, or wait. Personally, I would rather God just close the door and say, “no” then tell me to wait. If you know me at all, then you know that I absolutely, positively HATE waiting. I’m impatient and I’ll be the first to admit it.

Imagine this for a second: you live a simple life. You’re a high school student with not a care in the world and the best family in the universe. Literally. Suddenly, high school ends. You are thrown into the real world without a word of warning and reality hits hard. After a summer of working full time, it’s time to do something with your life. Instead of going to college like any normal kid, you get the brilliant idea to go to a tiny town in Austria and be an Au Pair for six months for three rambunctious children who don’t speak a word of English.

Sounds like a genius plan, right?

So that’s what I did. I packed entirely too much, jumped on a plane, and flew to Austria. All alone. First time I have ever been somewhere without anyone I know in my whole eighteen years of existence.

It was adventure time.

On a more serious note, I have to be very honest. I have been in Austria for three days now and let me just shoot really straight: they have been terrifying days and some of the hardest days of my life. All I have wanted was to go home, snuggle up in my very own bed, and talk to my mom. I love my mom. I don’t think I have ever been away from her for more than two weeks at a time. So back to the point. I've been a wreck. Every chance I have gotten to go curl up in my bed and cry in my room on the top floor of this four story house…I have taken it. You may think I’m overly dramatic and maybe I am. But my point is that this has not been easy so far.

Okay back to this whole “waiting” issue. Through everything in the past few days, I have prayed one thing at least 100 times. “Lord, give me a peace which only comes from you.” I haven’t been feeling that peace. I have been fed up with 4-year-old temper tantrums, 2-year-old hissy fits, and baby food on my turquoise skinny jeans…but no peace. And until yesterday afternoon, I had begun to think that God had said, “No.” Silly me.

After church yesterday morning, I went on a hike with my host family. We drove all the way to the top of the ski hill and began climbing from there. We walked with another family, who have two twin boys. My family has one boy and twin girls so we were hiking with two 5-year-olds, one 4-year-old, and two 2-year-olds.

Really? All I wanted was a little peace!

But as we reached the top, for the first time in three days, my mind was not on home. Instead I was basking in the beautiful creation. I was taking in the crisp fall air. I was in awe of the glory of the mountains that surrounded me. I was thankful for it.

And then it hit me.

What could be more peaceful?

The Lord had once again taught me a lesson and it was a simple one: wait.

I’m not saying that my home sickness is cured and that the next six months will be no problem. I don’t even like to think about how long it will be until I see my family and friends for two short weeks at Christmas. (80 days, if you were wondering.) I have full confidence that the Lord will continue to teach me lesson after lesson after lesson. But as for now, I have conquered the first one by His strength.

Lesson one: Be thankful. Be patient.

Psalm 121

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